Travel permissions and visas

January 13, 2025

Travel consent letter for school trips

What could be more exciting than a school trip?

What could be more disappointing that not being able to go because you can't get your visa in time?

Children requiring a visa to travel abroad with a school trip may require a travel consent that has been notarised. It may also be necessary for the notarised document to be legalised. This second steps takes at least three working day to put in place, so it is important to get your document prepared, signed and legalised sufficiently ahead of time to allow it to be submitted with the visa application.

I am able to help you with the preparation of a travel consent letter, although it is cheaper if you prepare it yourself and bring it to me. I can also arrange legalisation with a Hague Convention apostille.

Please get in touch with me using my contact form if I may be of assistance.